

Does anyone read anymore?!

At Starbucks in line for a coffee, I got asked for the second time about the book I was reading.  Of the 2 times I've gone to Starbucks to read, I got asked about the book both times.  This probably wouldn't be anything to comment on except for the way I get asked about it.  It's like its an unusal thing for me to be doing...reading a book.  Which makes me think that maybe it is an unusual thing to be doing nowadays.  To be reading a real library book at a coffee shop.  Which just makes me very sad.  I feel like one of those old Grandparents commenting on the misdeeds of the current generation but I feel like reading a real book..not a blog, not a magazine, not your nook, has lost its place in the world of entertainment.  There isn't any feeling like getting lost in a book, by being so excited by the story you feel like you can't read it fast enough, or laughing out loud to the words on the page, or maybe even crying to them, or remembering lines in your head for days or even years to come.  No movie creates the kind of lasting impression that can a book can make.

How do you all feel?  Anyone still make time for a good novel?


  1. I used to LOVE reading. Constantly, everywhere.
    Now I only read books on holidays.
    It just happened that way- when I am out and about I take photos and take in inspiration, my interest somehow shifted.

  2. I always have a book in my purse, always! Right now I'm reading New York by Edward Rutherford. What are you reading? :)

  3. There is nothing more I love than getting lost in a good book. I hate all the kindles out, will never buy one! Books forever!

  4. I'm currently reading "Cider House Rules," by John Irving. I love the way Irving writes. I'm nearing the end of this one, and I'll be writing a blog post to review it when I finally finish.

    I love good reading recommendations, thanks!

  5. It can also be a good excuse for someone to start to talk to you. Think about it, they could say nothing if they weren't interested in you. So the book covers up the fact that they simply enjoy the conversation with a stranger. That's what i think ;)


