Hello blogging world,
I am currently at a Starbucks in Emeryville (a 5 minute drive from my house in Berkeley) and I am in my happy place. Moving somewhere brand new, with no job and not too many friends can be hard. A lot of times I can't shake the feeling that I'm out on my own...alone. And when I get those feelings...like I did today, I have to admit that Starbucks is my happy place. It is my home away from home. When I was backpacking Europe this past summer, and I started to feel a little frustrated with being in the New and Unfamiliar all the time...Starbucks was there to make me feel for a brief moment, I was home. Every Starbucks, whether it be in Spain or Mexico or Emeryville is all set up the same with the same menu, the same comfy seating, the same free Wifi! (pronounced WeeFee in Spain). And I think that THAT, more than the coffee, is what is behind the Starbucks craze. That it can be a home away from home.
Anyway else have an odd appreciation for the 'bucks?